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Press Releases

MSS to Focus Its Efforts on Fair Economy and Mutual Growth

Business Trade Improvement Division
Deputy Director JangHoon Lee
Formation and operation of the Fair Economy Council joined by private experts and local governments. Discussion on concrete action plans to redress unfair business practices and produce outcomes based on mutual cooperation such as keeping supply prices at appropriate levels
The government is stepping up its efforts to create a fair economy where large and SME companies can mutually prosper. On December 5, the Ministry of SMEs and Startups held a launching ceremony of the “Fair Economy Council for SMEs and Micro Enterprises“ joined by private experts, Seoul, and Gyeonggi-do. The participants examined the policy outcomes that MSS implemented to achieve a fair economy. They also discussed ways to improve institutions to protect SME technologies and promote the system for coordinating supply prices. It was particularly meaningful because private experts who are well aware of the conditions of small businesses, as well as local governments including Seoul Metropolitan Government, came together to discuss the planned investigation of the MSS into unfair practices and ways to address difficulties of microenterprises. This meeting is expected to help the MSS establish and implement policies more promptly and effectively.

Based on a fair economy and mutual cooperation, both small and large companies can become competitive and mutually prosper. During the “fair economy strategy meeting” in November, the president also stressed the importance of a fair economy, which serves as a foundation for innovative growth.

The MSS has sought to integrate related policies and outcomes, which were handled by different offices and bureaus, to implement fair economic policies more effectively. To this end, the MSS has launched a council in a bid to build an ecosystem for mutual growth and innovation by integrating policy capabilities. The council will be cochaired by the head of the SME Policy Office (Cho Bong-hwan) and lawyer Kim Nam-geun and joined by heads of related offices at MSS, private experts, and officials from Seoul and Gyeonggi-do (a total of 16 members). With this council, the whole process for a fair economy ranging from policymaking, planning, and implementation to evaluation is expected to be made promptly and effectively by a scrum-like “one team” system.

Following the launching ceremony, the first meeting was held to discuss the council operation plans, as well as measures to eradicate technology theft* and promote the system to coordinate supply prices**.

Cho Bong-hwan, Head of the SME Policy Office, said at the launching ceremony, “For a fair economy, we need to root out unfair practices and cooperate so that small and large businesses can mutually grow. For this, the roles of the MSS is important.” He expressed, “The MSS will not only conduct an investigation into unfair practices but also strive to improve institutions and establish a culture of mutual growth so that we can see more win-win cooperation cases between large and small companies such as the voluntary raising of supply prices.”